Thursday, August 22, 2013

Motorcycle Modifications

Getting a motorcycle ready for a cross-country trip takes some planning and some experience. Safety and comfort top the list of priorities, followed by cargo space, communication and navigation. The 1998 Honda Valkyrie Trike that we bought in Alabama from our friend Moon (see previous Blog) was already heading in the right direction. First we added some additional running lights on the top trunk to allow us to be more visible from behind.
I added some pieces of "safety" chrome. Some people think chrome is just a vanity thing - not me! I tell Melinda ALL THE TIME that the more chrome on a bike, the easier it is to see and therefore it's SAFER! Make sense?! I does to me and Melinda tolerates it. Anyway, various bits of shiny stuff was added to make us safer. Melinda's comfort came next. The original backrest was way too small and there were no armrests. So I purchased a Harley-Davidson backrest with extended arm supports and mounted it on the top trunk. Best part is the custom polished stainless steel support posts fabricated by our friends Karl and Kale Kotecki - way cool and look fantastic!
We added a rack and studded leather bag on top of the top trunk as storage on this bike is much smaller than on the Goldwing. Note the blue tube from the leather bag - this is for a water canteen (supplied by Daughter Alison) for Melinda as it is important for her to keep pushing the fluids. We can fill this up with ice tea and she can sip for miles. Disadvantage is I suspect the frequency of our "potty stops" in go up, but I'm fine with that. Final in the list of major additions are navigation and communication. We added a Garmin ZUMO GPS and an integrated CB radio/intercom/weather radio/stereo system that allows us to talk with each other, talk with other riders on the trip and listen to music, the GPS and the weather forecast.
Making sure the bike is mechanically sound wraps up the preparation - new front tire, oil change, a little brake work and some new spark plugs all mean a minimal opportunity for issues on the road. We are ready!

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